Intermediate design. Interpreted from
Cosmo 3, page 7, #5. Originally posted 2005; contributed by
Glenna B. |
Materials: 24cm mari in black.
#5 Pearl Cotton in black, white, and purple. Silver marking
thread. |
1. Prepare a Simple 12 division. Use silver or white thread for
vertical marking lines. Pin but do not place a marking thread on the
equator.Measure the point 1/2 way between equator and poles. Place
a pin on each mark line at that point.
2. On each vertical line work
tsumu kagari (spindle) at the equator beginning at the 1/2 way
point pins. Each spindle will be 8 rounds beginning with White and
alternating 1 row black and 1 row white.
3. Next work 3
(kousa style) spindles around each pole on alternating mark
lines. These will be stitched 1 round at a time on each
spindle. This stitch sequence will produce a 6 point star at each
pole. Be sure to maintain stitching sequence. Begin the first round at
the 1/2 way point pin and take the stitch under the marking line running
down the center of the equator spindle. The pole interwoven spindles
will be 8 rounds beginning with white and alternating 1 white and 1
black row. The spindles are elongated and should almost reach the
equator when complete. Note that the polar spindles are worked over the
equator spindles, as a second layer.
4. Wrap an obi with purple. The obi weaves over the spindles which
are overlapped by the pole spindles, and under the open spindles.
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