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Advanced design; one of 6 JTA Kyoujyu  exam designs. Personal composition, contributed by Anne W.
Materials: 32 cm circum mari, wrapped in navy blue

Pearl Cotton #5 in 2 shades of orange, 2 shades of purple, 2 shades of green, 2 shades of yellow.

Marking thread in thin metallic.

Prepare an 8-Combination Division

Add extra marking lines as shown in diagram to the left. While working, note that the red dots indicate the center point of each element; blue dots indicate the corners of each element.

Element 1: positioned as shown in diagram above. Work uwagake chidori kagari starting as close the center point (red) as possible. Alternate stitches starting 1/2 way between center and corner (blue). Work 2 rows of dark orange, 2 rows of light orange. The last row of corner stitches should be as close to the corner points as possible.
Element 2: positioned as shown in diagram above. Stitch in same manner as Element 1 using 3 rows of light purple, 2 rows of dark purple.
Element 3: positioned as shown in diagram above. Stitch Mitsubane Kikkou starting as close to center as possible using 2 rows of light green, 1 row of dark green. the last row corners stitches should come as close into the corners as possible.
Element 4: positioned as shown in diagram above.Work in same manner as Elements 1 & 2 using 3 rows of dark orange, 2 rows of light orange.

Element 5: These are stitched only after all rows of all other elements are complete. Positioned as shown in diagram above. Round 1 (shown in yellow & dotted line in diagram to left), long points - work uwagake chidori as close to center point as possible, alternate stitches start just outside of hexagon. Round 2 (shown in yellow in diagram to left), short points - work uwagake chidori as close to center point as possible, alternate stitches start 1/2 way between center point and corners of hexagon. First row of each round is dark yellow. Second row of each round is light yellow. Third round (light yellow) of long points should reach stitching from elements 2 & 4. Third round (light yellow) of short points reach as close to corners of hexagon as possible.

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