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Accomplished beginner to intermediate design; interpreted from Atarashii Temari 5  /  Cosmo #5 ISBN4-8377-0283-X, pg 25. Originally posted in 2007; contributed by Colleen P.
Materials: 25 cm circum mari, wrapped in black

Pearl Cotton #5 in black and white

Marking thread in metallic silver

Prepare an 8-Combination Division

Locate the three-sided shapes illustrated in the diagram.  To find one; start at the corner of a square and follow the diagonal to the opposite corner, rotate the ball 60˚ counterclockwise and follow the next diagonal to the corner, rotate the ball 60˚ counterclockwise and follow the next diagonal to the end.  (You should be back where you started.)   There are 8 of these three-sided shapes on the ball.  They form 2 groups of 4 intersecting three-sided shapes.  The 2 groups overlap each other.
Stitch around the outside of a three-sided shape.  Stitch from 1 to 2, 2  to 3, and then from 3 back to 1.  Stitch 2 rows of 310, 2 rows of blanc, 2 rows of 310, and 2 rows of blanc.  Stitch around the outside of the remaining three-sided shapes which interlock with the first one using the same color pattern.

CP01 Weaving will be required to create the nejiri-interlocked triad shown at left.  This is how each corner should look.
CP01 Stitch around the outside of all of the three-sided shapes in second group of interlocking shapes.  Weaving will be required at the corners of the three-sided shapes as in step 3.  Squares are created as the second group overlaps the first group.  As you stitch weave the squares to create the pattern shown at left.
Stitch around the outside of all the triads to create hexagons.  Take a stitch at the points and in the notches.  Use 2 rows of 310 and 2 rows of blanc.  Stitch a square around all of the woven squares taking a stitch at each corner.  Use 2 rows of 310 and 2 rows of blanc.  In the center of each diamond, stitch an 8 pronged matsuba kagari-starburst with silver metallic thread, shown at left.

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