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Temari Pattern GT63 / TemariKai Tamentai Patterns

Advanced design; personal composition.  One of 6 JTA Kyoujyu (2010) exam designs, contributed by Ginny T.
Materials: 37 cm circumference mari, wrapped in black.

Stitching threads: Pearl Cotton #5 in orange and yellow. This temari used shaded orange and yellow (DMC Pearl Cotton Color Variations); Kyo metallic in
red and gold.

Marking thread in fine gold metallic

Prepare a 10-Combination Division; increase to 122 tamentai


The majority of the design focuses on the diamonds that are formed by adjacent hexagons from the multi-face marking; refer to diagram at left. One
hexagon is centered in the diamond (outlined in blue), and points of long axis of diamond fall at the centers of adjacent hexagons.
The design is worked in 3 sections: one area surrounds the north pole, and
an identical second section surrounds the south pole; they merge based on
the orientation of the pentagon centers at the north and south poles. These
areas are worked in kousa style. The third section surrounds the mid-section
of the mari as it travels around the design extensions of the polar sections, in matsuba kagari style
In the Working Diagram (below), the black lines identify the shapes used to stitch. Colored lines indicate stitching lines. Shaded blue diamonds indicate the stitching area that will merge in from the opposite hemisphere. Locate and maintain a north and south pole throughout working this temari.
Round 1: (refer to red diamond lines in Working Diagram for stitch placements) 1) Stitch line of 5 diamonds from pole, working downwards, kousa style: Use orange pearl cotton. Point placement for short axis of diamond is 1/2 distance from center to corner of hexagon; point placement for long axis is just over the hexagon side marking line on adjacent hexagon.  Repeat around each side of pole pentagon for total of five lines of kousa diamonds.

2) Stitch single horizontal diamond: continuing with orange pearl cotton, short axis is corner point 1/2 distance from center to corner of hexagon,  long axis points are just over thread into vertical diamond from Step 1, for kousa style.
3) Stitch double horizontal diamonds: continuing with orange pearl cotton, place short axis point 1/2 between center and corner of hexagon. Place long axis points of outer corners just over thread of vertical diamonds, and inner points just over side marking line of hexagon for kousa style.
Round 2: Using yellow pearl cotton, repeat stitching sequences for diamonds, maintaining kousa style.
Round 3: Using orange pearl cotton, repeat stitching sequences for diamonds, maintaining kousa style.

Final round: Using red Kyo metallic, repeat stitching sequences for diamonds, maintaining kousa style. Repeat this design section around the opposite pole. Using gold Kyo metallic, stitch long 2-line matsuba kagari  in each of the single horizontal diamonds (see green lines in Working Diagram for placement). Using gold Kyo metallic, stitch small 6-line matsuba kagari in each center of double horizontal diamond and each vertical diamond. Using red Kyo metallic, stitch long 12-line matsuba kagari in each of the hexagons and 10-line matsuba kagari in each pentagon that form up-and-down wave around lines of vertical kousa diamonds; tack centers. Stitch  medium-long 10-line matsuba kagari in each pole pentagon.

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