Division: Jyuttoubu no Kumiawase
Jyuttoubu no Kumiawase - the 10-Combination (also referred to
as Combination 10, or C10) is one of the
divisions in temari making. Mastering the C10 is the third major
step in learning temari divisions (after
C8 divisions). The C10 builds
off of a Simple10 so mastering simple divisions is a must before moving
on to the combination divisions, but a wonderful world opens up to you

when you add combination divides to
your repertoire.
Traditionally, the C10 Division
begins with marking a Simple 10. Remember, the definition of a
combination division is "combining on", or adding on, more centers of
the same starting value, symmetrically arranged around the ball. To
create a Combination 10 additional sets of centers and lines will be
added which will, in conjunction with the originals from the simple
division create a marking that adds 10 more 10-point centers, just as
the Simple 10 has 2 10-point centers. The outline shape of these 12
centers is a pentagon. As these centers are formed, there will be
additional major faces appearing that become integral players in
stitching C10 designs: 20 6-point triangles, and 30 4-point diamonds.
There are several options for both
pinning the centers of a C10 as well as laying down the actual marking
should learn the traditional method of using the paper strip and
adding on sets of Simple 10 lines to each pole. Once a
basic understanding of the C10 division is gained, then stitchers may
choose their preferred methods of both locating the centers and laying
down the marking lines. Any centers option can be paired with any lines
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