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Temari Pattern GT61 / TemariKai Simple Division Patterns

Accomplished intermediate design. One of 6 JTA Kyoujyu (2010) exam designs. Personal composition, contributed by Ginny T.
Materials:  30 cm circumference mari, wrapped in black.

For stitching: Kyo thread, 2 shades each of orange, green and
purple; Kyo metallic in orange, green, purple and gold.

Marking thread in fine gold metallic

Prepare a Simple 24 Division with gold metallic thread

Design is made in three layers using uwagake chidori in jyouge douji style. Place keeper pins at each division/equator line intersection.
Working Diagram shows 1/2 of pattern; repeat to complete the revolution around the mari. 

Orange:   Locate Pts A on lines 1, 3, 5,...  Pt A is 1/8th the distance from pole to equator, on both hemispheres. Begin at AO1 with orange metallic thread and stitch 1 row chidori kagari in jyouge douji style. Move to Pt AO2 and repeat. Change to Dark Orange Kyo thread. Start at Pt AO1 and stitch 1 round as above; repeat from Pt AO2. Repeat this sequence for 2 more rows, using Sujidate Uwagake Kagari, catching only 1 previous round in the stitch (3 rows of Dark Orange in total). Change to Light Orange and repeat for 3 rows, continuing to catch only 1 previous row in Uwagake stitch. Total = 7 rows orange, all threads.

Green:  Locate Pt B on lines 2, 4, 6,... Pt B is 1/4 the distance from pole to equator, on both hemispheres. Begin at Pt BG1 with green metallic thread, stitch one row of chidori kagari all around. Move to Pt BG2, and repeat. Change to Light Green Kyo thread. Repeat sequence using uwagake chidori for 3 rows. Change to Dark Green Kyo thread, and repeat sequence for 3 rows. Total = 7 rows green, all threads.

Purple:  The bands of purple color will be worked nejiri style with the bands of orange and green. Locate Pt. C on lines 1, 3, 5,... Pt C is 1/2 the distance from pole to equator. Begin at Pt CP1 with purple metallic thread. Pass under green band, over orange band, cross line 2. Pass under orange band, through keeper pins on line 3, under orange band, cross line 4, pass over orange band, under green band, and take stitch at Pt C on line 5. Pass under green band, over orange band, over line 6, under orange band and through keeper pins on line 7. Pass under orange band, over line 8, over orange band, under green band and stitch at Pt C on line 9.  Repeat around mari to starting place. Move to Pt CP2 and repeat stitching sequence accordingly. Change to Dark Purple Kyo thread and repeat sequence CP1 and CP2, working uwagake chidori in jyouge douji style for 3 rows. Change to Light Purple and repeat for 3 rows.  Total = 7 rows purple, all threads.

Equator and Pole Finishing:  Bind each bundle of threads crossing equator with 4 tabane kagari stitches on each side of equator. Use gold for the green and purple bundles, and purple for the orange bundles. Work gold cross stitches under gold bindings. With gold, work long stitches across poles, going from top of green uwagake points to opposite point.

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