Intermediate design; interpreted design. Originally posted in 2005; contributed by Lynne D. & Linda D. | |
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Materials: 25 cm circum mari, wrapped in red Pearl Cotton #5 in white, gold and black Marking thread in red Prepare an 8-Combination Division |
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Being with the north pole facing you - Place pins as shown in
the diagram at points A, B, C, D and 1, 2, 3, 4. Notice the dark
heavy lines outlining triangles using these points, for example
the triangle formed by pins A,B,4. Locate these same triangles around the south pole (there will be 8 all together). Stitch these 8 triangles nejiri style/ interlocking as shown in the photo above. The example uses one row black, four rows white and one row black to attain the same effect shown. |
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Locate the six squares that can be formed around each of the
pole centers using the diagonal marking lines. (one at each pole
and the 4 on the sides). Starting as close to the pole as you
can, stitch following the purple arrows. Make sure you are
stitching in the same orientation as the outside square and the
other set of lines that would off set the square to the one you
formed with the sides of the interlocking triangles.
Stitch until you reach the rows stitched on the interlocked
triangles, to fill the center squares. (White and then
gold are used in the example - several rounds of white for the
center of the squares and then finishing in gold). |
Next are the smaller hexagons inside the triangles. You will use all 6 marking threads in the 8 small triangles (outlined by the interlocking triangles stitched in the first step) to stitch a hexagon (six-sided shape). Use as many rows as needed until the corners of the hexagon touch the sides of the triangles. Again the example uses white and gold - several rounds of white for the center and the remainder in gold. Lastly, use black to add the "spider legs" radiating out from the squares and hexagons - using single thread, start at the corners of the shapes and follow the example photo to place long accent stitches, forming the "spider legs". |
Last updated 1/2014 © 1998 - 2014, G. Thompson/PuffinStuff, Inc.