Accomplished beginner to intermediate design; interpreted from Atarashii Temari 5 / Cosmo #5 ISBN4-8377-0283-X, pg 25. Originally posted in 2007; contributed by Colleen P. | |
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Materials: 25 cm circum mari, wrapped in black Pearl Cotton #5 in black and white Marking thread in metallic silver Prepare an 8-Combination Division |
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Locate the three-sided shapes illustrated in the
diagram. To find one; start at the corner of a square and
follow the diagonal to the opposite corner, rotate the ball 60˚
counterclockwise and follow the next diagonal to the corner,
rotate the ball 60˚ counterclockwise and follow the next
diagonal to the end. (You should be back where you
started.) There are 8 of these three-sided shapes on
the ball. They form 2 groups of 4 intersecting three-sided
shapes. The 2 groups overlap each other. |
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Stitch around the outside of a three-sided shape. Stitch from 1 to 2, 2 to 3, and then from 3 back to 1. Stitch 2 rows of 310, 2 rows of blanc, 2 rows of 310, and 2 rows of blanc. Stitch around the outside of the remaining three-sided shapes which interlock with the first one using the same color pattern. |
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Weaving will be required to create the nejiri-interlocked triad shown at left. This is how each corner should look. |
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Stitch around the outside of all of the three-sided shapes in second group of interlocking shapes. Weaving will be required at the corners of the three-sided shapes as in step 3. Squares are created as the second group overlaps the first group. As you stitch weave the squares to create the pattern shown at left. |
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Stitch around the outside of all the triads to create hexagons. Take a stitch at the points and in the notches. Use 2 rows of 310 and 2 rows of blanc. Stitch a square around all of the woven squares taking a stitch at each corner. Use 2 rows of 310 and 2 rows of blanc. In the center of each diamond, stitch an 8 pronged matsuba kagari-starburst with silver metallic thread, shown at left. |
Last updated 1/2014 © 1998 - 2014, G. Thompson/PuffinStuff, Inc.