Intermediate to advanced design.
Interpreted from a Japanese book. Originally posted 2003;
contributed by Helen B. |

Materials: 28cm circumference mari, wrapped in red.
Pearl Cotton #5 in light blue, a navy, a soft orange and a
From Helen: I will give directions for my exact placement of colors,
numbers of rows, etc. which differ completely from the picture in the
Japanese book. The weave and the colors can be varied
infinitely. In my ball, the threads are placed very tightly and
closely together.
Divide the ball into fourths, with pins at the North Pole, the South
Pole, and along the equator at East and West. Place additional
pins midway between East and West. (I use a green pin for West and
a yellow pin for East, which helps me know where I am. Yellow for
East because of the sunrise; green for West because green means go and
because of "Go West young man." Blue pin for North Pole, red for
South. I used a gold marker thread both to mark and for accent in
the weave. Place marker thread from North Pole to South Pole,
crossing the equator. Place another marker thread around the
equator. Now place another marker thread around the ball, starting
at the equator midway between East and West. Your ball will have 4
triangles above the equator and 4 below. With the North Pole
facing up, enter another marker thread to start on the equator at the
West, or green, pin, and run it in a shallow curve toward the East
pin. The highest point of the curve is 2 cm. up from the equator
at the midway marker thread. Curve back down to the East pin,
reverse the ball, and mark it from East to West on the southern
hemisphere. Place marker thread similarly from midpoint to
midpoint, in a shallow curve with the highest point 2 cm from the
equator at the East and West pins. This sounds complicated, but
isn't. You are marking off the field which will be covered with
the woven pattern. You will be wrapping the ball in the wide areas
within those shallow curves.
Now you're ready to wrap. I used a light blue, a navy, a soft
orange and a yellow. The navy is used within the wrap, and also
after the wrap and on top of it for accent. The mari is a soft
yellow. Starting with the North Pole up, toward the sky, and with the
West pin facing you, wrap 2 rows of light blue to your right, completely
around the ball along side the shallow curve marker thread, West to
East, across the equator, and then down under and back up to the West
pin. Keep the North Pole up, and wrap 2 rows of light blue on the
opposite side of the ball, to your left but again going from West to
East, then down under, then up to West again. Your threads cross
over themselves at the equator. Keep them tidy and close
together. They will be attractively "bundled" later. Those are the
outsides of the pattern. Now to your right wrap a gold marker
thread, then to your left.
Similarly, now wrap 12 rows of navy thread around the ball to your
right, then around the ball to your left. Finish off with gold wrapper
Next: 12 rows of orange around the ball to the right, then around the
ball to the left. Then the gold wrapper thread.
Next: 12 rows of light blue in each direction, finished with gold
Next: 12 rows of yellow in each direction. This is your
center row. I kept my threads very close together and things got
tight but there was room. Now for the weaving.
NOTE: I used DMC 5, but your wrapping threads may be wider or
narrower. Or your wrapping may be tighter or looser than
mine. You can alter and adjust to make your wrapped spaces fit and
hold the same number of threads. But if you do adjust the number
of wrapped threads, keep the number divisible by 3. In the woven
part that follows, you weave under and over, repeatedly, always the same
number of threads. So if you've wrapped in batches of 12, you can
weave over 4, under 4, over 4. Batches of 10 would not work.
Batches of 9 would work: over 3, under 3, over 3. Batches of 15
would work.
Now the weaving begins. You have been wrapping from West to East,
starting at the equator. With the North Pole still up, move the
ball so that you will begin wrapping also starting at the equator but
now from midpoint to midpoint. The color sequence changes. So does the
final number of rows. Gold marker threads are used between
colors. Before you start weaving wrap two rows of light blue in
each direction. They will lie on top of what you wrapped before,
and will act as border/accent threads. Finish with gold thread.
Now start weaving. Your first color will be 12 rows wide.
Use the eye end of the needle to pass under threads. Weave a 4/4/4
basket weave pattern, as follows: weave 4 rows of yellow over 4 of dark
blue, then 4 rows under, then 4 rows over. The next color you'll
encounter will be orange: weave four under and over making sure that as
you go along weaving and encountering the different colors you always go
under/over/under/over, never over/over or under/under. When
you've made it all the way around then do the next four rows, with your
under/over basket weave maintaining its change of direction. After
12 rows of yellow, finish with gold.
Next color: light blue, 12 rows wide. Similarly weave 4 rows of
light blue, keeping the under/over sequence correct. Then 4
rows again, then again. Finish with gold.
Next: 12 rows of orange.
Now, for some reason I stopped being symmetrical. My next 12 rows
are navy, woven under/over the same way in groups of 4 each; then 12
rows of yellow, then 12 rows of light blue. This completes the
woven part of the ball.
Now outline each far side of your woven areas with four rows of
navy. Essentially you are wrapping the navy threads over those
first shallow curves you placed with marker thread. Then I
accented each division, in each direction, with one wrap of one navy
thread. The final gold threads show up nicely, making each
"square" stand out. This helps make the quilted look.
To bundle the crossed threads at the equator, thread your needle with
navy and enter it so that it exits on the equator at one side of a
crossed mass of threads. Wrap it up around the mass neatly, go
under it again, up and under again and again carefully placing each
thread alongside the last until the mass has formed a neat attractive
bundle. When all four masses are thus bundled, you can (if you
choose) lay down four more navy threads for your equator, passing under
the bundles. The ball is done. It takes a while and sounds very
complex but once you get going it is easy. Good luck.
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