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Temari Pattern AW17 / TemariKai Tamentai Patterns

Advanced design; one of 6 JTA Kyoujyu  exam designs. Personal composition, contributed by Anne W.
Materials:  32 cm circum mari, wrapped in navy

Pearl cotton #8 in pink, bright blue, bright yellow, bright green

Marking thread to match mari wrap; medium pink metallic

Prepare a 10-Combination Division using invisible thread; with medium pink metallic add additional jiwari to create 162 tamentai.

With pink thread, using double thread, stitch around the three largest pentagons formed by the 162 marking shown in purple in diagram to left. Work the same around each of the original 12 poles.

As shown in diagram to the left, work around adjacent sets of outer pentagons. Using double thread with yellow, stitch yellow diamonds. Using double thread in green, stitch green diamonds. Using double thread and continuing in green, stitch hexagons at the corners of the pentagons; thread passes over yellow, under pink pearl cotton and over pink metallic threads.
Using double thread in blue, stitch pattern shown in blue in diagram to the left. Thread passes under pink pearl cotton at corners 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 but over metallic thread from extra marking lines.
Using double thread in yellow, stitch pattern shown in yellow in diagram to the left. Thread passes under pin pearl cotton at corners 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 but over metallic thread from extra marking lines.
Using double thread in green stitch pattern shown in diagram to the left. Using double thread in pink pearl cotton, stitch pentagon connecting points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as shown. Pink threads pass over green of previous round.

Complete all centers as shown in diagram to the left. Embellish the centers of pentagons and hexagons formed at the corners of the pentagons from the original C10 using the pink metallic thread as shown in photo above.

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