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Temari Pattern KC03 / TemariKai 10-Combination Patterns

Intermediate design; interpreted design.  Contributed by Karen C.
Materials: 28 cm circum mari, wrapped in black

Pearl Cotton #5 in  in white, light blue, medium blue, dark blue, and black

Marking thread in fine metallic silver

Prepare a 10-Combination Division

Locate the  6-pt center equilateral triangles of the C10 marking. Using dark blue, stitch 9 rounds of a triangle around 6pt center in each triangle of the marking. Be sure to use the long legs of the marking lines so that the stitched triangle is aligned with the marked triangle.
Stitch 3 rounds of white, 3 rounds of light blue, 3 rounds of medium blue, and 2 rows of black around each triangle. The bright silver marking threads and tacked 10-way centers should still be visible.

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