Using Rice Hulls (Komegara) for
Dodai Mari Cores

One of the oldest and most traditional materials for making mari for is
komegara - which literally
translates as "rice shell" or "rice skin" - what we call rice hulls. It
is just what it says it is - the outer husk removed from the grains of
rice when it's polished (it's the outer husk that makes brown rice
brown). While "brown" rice may be an established food item in the West,
Japanese culture still evolves around polished, or white, rice, and
virtually all rice in Japan is winnowed and milled. Thus, there is a lot
of of komegara volume created, and, as always, the frugal necessity of
Japanese life found the hulls being used in various ways. They are a
filtering agent for brewing, both sake and beer; they are also used as a
matrix for pickling and preserving foodstuffs, garden mulch, in
fireworks, burned as a fuel, and the ash can further be used in cement
formulas. The product is not as widespread in the West, and the uses are
generally limited to brewing and garden mulch.
As a
mari core, rice hulls are great, and "mold" (almost like a good
snowball) when making the mari, which makes it very easy to construct a
round mari as you wrap. A rice hull mari has a wonderful "in-hand" feel
- just a little heft to it but not too much. Most folks that try rice
hulls generally end up being converted to them for being the best mari
core material (considering they have been used in Japan for hundreds of
years for this, we probably shouldn't be surprised).
A small volume of rice hulls
are placed into a small baggie, stocking, or even wrap in plastic wrap,
twist the neck closed, smooth out the top of the bag, and then mold into
a ball as you begin wrapping. They are very malleable (easy to shape and
mold) because of their size and composition. A pound of rice hulls is
about one gallon in volume. About an ounce of rice hulls fits nicely
into a sandwich baggie or stocking (about 1/2 - 3/4 cup, give or take)
and results in a mari about 2 1/2 to 3 inches in size depending on your
wrapping. A canning funnel (wide neck) is a great help in filling a
stocking or sock. A pound of hulls can yield about 12 to 16 mari
of this size but this also depends upon your wrapping
habits. This is only to give a rough idea of "how much does what" - it
will vary with each person depending on your bagging and wrapping
techniques. there is no set formula. It is also important to remember
that you are adding batting, yarn and thread layers - so you don't start
with a bundle of rice hulls that is your "finished" mari size. The rice
hull quantity needs to be figured with this in mind. A little bit of
trial and error with some practice will quickly have you cranking out
komegara dodai mari. There is no set formula or iron-clad "right or
wrong". Rice hulls go a long way, relatively speaking, and you most
likely don't want to buy intoo the commonly marketed quantities of 10
pounds (or more), unless you are prepared to divvy up with a lot of
temari making friends.
Rice hulls are a bit tricky to
locate in the West, since as mentioned above they are not a commonly or
widely used commodity. The choices are garden or nursery suppliers, or
brewing supplies, and both of these options tend to offer very large
quantities. It is strongly recommended to avoid the garden variety. They
are sold for mulch and soil stabilizers. They are quite dirty and
generally come with other contaminants, including those that walk and/or
fly (remember, if they are going into the garden, that's probably a
plus, but not for your mari core). Cleaning and drying them is
absolutely required. The best way (though not foolproof) to dry and
"decontaminate" them is to give them time in the microwave. However, as
mentioned, this is not foolproof, and you will always run the risk of
the stuff rotting inside your temari. Those obtained from brewer
supplies are a cleaner product on all counts, since they need to meet
food-industry and FDA standards. They have a virtually indefinite shelf
life as long as they are kept dry. However, that "dry" also means
flammable, like paper or wood, so store them accordingly.
You can
a photo tutorial of using rice hulls for mari making; please use
it in conjunction with this text.
If you use
in your mari core, you will want to be sure to use a small box or other
"solid container" to house it, since anything with openings will allow
the hulls to fill it, which will muffle if not deaden the bell or noise.
When bagging hulls or making your mari, use a little care since they are
lightweight and will blow around very easily, and are a bit dusty. Be
sure not to be in a drafty place (or have a ceiling fan on. And don't
sneeze. Ask me how I know.)
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