Bits, or Orts, Temari
One of the most favorite ideas
shared to TalkTemari through the years has been that of a "Bits" (or
orts, or scraps, or trims, or whatever you want to call those
small lengths of left-over thread that are not quite long enough to work
into a more complex design but long enough that you don't want to just
toss them) Temari. The concept came to us from Ozaki Sensei at the JTA
via Sue H., from when

studied with her. In the old tradition of braided rag rugs,
crocheted granny squares, patchwork quilts - all those time tested ways
to use up the most meager scraps rather than wasting them by discarding,
these Temari tend to always win their share of admiration.
Save the trims from your
regular work, as long as they can still be threaded into a needle and a
stitch or two taken (usually 2-3 inches or longer; shorter than that
does make it pretty difficult to still use. But - rather than tossing
them, you can save and use as stuffing for mari cores. Better yet, save
and put them outside in the spring. The birds love them to weave into
their nests, and you'll have the best-decorated yard in town). Prepare a
C8 mari, and go from there. You can stitch
squares, so that
form, or you can work Kousa-style
Uwagake on the squares, triangles and diamonds (that's how the
photo to the right was done, on a C10). Or, just about anything on any
marking. The trick is that each length or each round gets worked in a
different thread/color, pulled randomly from your Bits Bag. Don't work
more than 2-3 sides of a larger shape, or one round on a smaller one
before changing threads in order for this magic to really work.
If you want to up the ante a
bit, consider using different fibers as well as random colors in your
Bits Temari. You'll need to pay attention a bit to how the different
threads merge with each other, but it can really create fabulous

The photo to the right uses may different fibers, including pearl cotton
#5, pearl cotton #8, random metallic threads, and both chained and
There are a couple of hints that
help: You must pay close attention to
and ending the threads, being sure that you don't have any tails
peeking out, and that you are adequately burying the threads in the mari
wrap (see the "Little Things" essay). Also pay close attention to
keeping stitching tension even (it can be harder because of the starts
and stops), and that your stitching course remains true (same reason).
For a truly "sincere" bits ball, keep your orts in a bag and select them
randomly, promising yourself that you will stitch with whatever comes
out of the bag. You can, of course, cheat a little bit if you prefer, to
create more "random" color placements. Stitching a Bits Temari is a bit
more labor and time consuming due to all of the starts and stops that
need to be done, but the outcomes are worth it.
Here are some additional examples:

This is Sue's Kousa Squares to form Mitsubishi, on a C8

Sarah R. worked
this one on a C10, as a Kousa all-over

This is the same concept as the black multicolor above, but on
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