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TemariKai ToolKit - Amime Kagari  網 目かがり
translates to mesh or mesh network. It has more commonly become known as "net stitching". The technique is often seen applied in designs that resemble crocheted lace on a temari. It also is commonly used with seed stitch.
        Amime kagari is worked using alternating and overlapping rows of chidori kagari. In order for the effect to truly show, it helps for it to be worked on a higher value of a simple division. Care must be taken to insure that marking lines are not pulled askew with stitching tension; the stitches need to stay in vertical lines. It can be worked in one solid color, or in graded shades. The entire temari may feature the technique, or it can be used in smaller subsections of the divisions and markings.

Begin by laying down a row of chidori kagari

Begin a second row of chidori kagari under the previous, spacing it the same vertical distance as the height of the zig zag of the first row. Continue to take care that the marking lines remain vertical and in alignment. The stitches of the second row should just overlap over the bottom stitches of the first chidori kagari row. Note that the stitches nestle into each other without allowing the mari wrap to show through.
Continue in the same manner, alternating the placement of high and low stitches while overlapping the bottom stitch of the previous row.

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Last updated 1/2014 © 1998 - 2014 G. Thompson/PuffinStuff, Inc.